

-(void)transactionComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse;

This method is called when a transaction has completed processing: it will be called for all errors, declines or approvals. This is a required delegate method. The delegate method needs to be implemented when user starts a transaction using the middleware. See PaymentEngineTransactionResponse for a complete list fields that get returned.

Example: Extracting the RefNum from transactionComplete

The RefNum is needed if you are going to adjust/void the transaction.

-(void)transactionComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse
     NSLog(@"refNum: %@", transResponse.RefNum);


-(void)captureSignatureComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the captureSignature method is used to capture a signature. Read PaymentEngineTransactionResponse for a complete list of returned fields.


    PaymentEngineMiddleware  *middleware = [PaymentEngineMiddleware getInstance];
    middleware.delegate = self;
    [middleware setDevice:@"castle" :self];

    UIImage *signatureImg = [UIImage imageNamed:@"signatureImg.png"];
    NSData *imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(signatureImg, 0.5f);
    NSString *imgBase64 = [imgData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0];

    NSMutableDictionary *transDict = [NSMutableDictionary new];

    [transDict setObject:imgBase64 forKey:@"signature"];

    //Reference number of the transaction that we want to capture the signature
    [transDict setObject:@"1296965885" forKey:@"refNum"];

   //The amount of the transaction that we want to capture the signature
    [transDict setObject:@"12.01" forKey:@"amount"];
    [transDict setObject:@"capture" forKey:@"command"];

    [middleware captureSignature:transDict];

-(void)captureSignatureComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse
    NSLog(@"signature captured:%@ ", transResponse.Status);
    NSLog(@"signature error reason: %@", transResponse.Error);



-(void)adjustTranstionComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the adjustTransaction method is used to adjust a transaction. Read PaymentEngineTransactionResponse for a complete list of returned fields.


NSMutableDictionary *transDict = [NSMutableDictionary new];

* Reference number of the the transaction that we want to adjust
* Below is a test reference number
[transDict setObject:@"1919214943" forKey:@"refNum"];

//total amount including tip
[transDict setObject:@"50" forKey:@"amount"];
[transDict setObject:@"10" forKey:@"tip"];
[transDict setObject:@"adjust" forKey:@"command"];

[middleware adjustTransaction:transDict];

-(void)adjustTranstionComplete :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse
NSLog(@"transaction adjusted status:%@ ", transResponse.Status);
NSLog(@"transaction adjusted error: %@", transResponse.Error);



-(void)printCompleted:(NSString *)msg

This method is called after all printText operations have been completed



This method is called when a connection to the payment terminal is established. It's an optional delegate method.



This method is called when a connection to the payment terminal is lost. It's an optional delegate method.



This method is called when the terminal is updating. It's an optional delegate method.



This method is called when all the terminal files has been updated. It's an optional delegate method.


-(void) readDeviceInfoComplete :(NSDictionary *)deviceInfoDict

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the readDeviceInfo method is used to retrieve device information.


-(void)returnReceiptCompleted :(NSString *)receiptValue

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the getReceipt method is used to retrieve receipt information.



    PaymentEngineMiddleware  *middleware = [PaymentEngineMiddleware getInstance];
    middleware.delegate = self;
    [middleware setDevice:@"castle" :self];

    NSMutableDictionary *receiptDict = [NSMutableDictionary new];

    // The reference number of the EMV transaction we want to get the receipt of
    [receiptDict setObject:@"964096669" forKey:@"refnum"];

    [middleware getReceipt:receiptDict];

-(void)returnReceiptCompleted :(NSString *)receiptValue
    NSLog(@"Receipt value: %@", receiptValue);



-(void)getV3ReceiptCompleted :(NSString *)receiptValue

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the getV3Receipt method is used to retrieve receipt information.



    PaymentEngineMiddleware  *middleware = [PaymentEngineMiddleware getInstance];
    middleware.delegate = self;
    [middleware setDevice:@"castle" :self];

    [middleware getV3Receipt:@"964096669"];

-(void)getV3ReceiptCompleted :(NSString *)receiptValue
    NSLog(@"Receipt value: %@", receiptValue);



-(void)getMerchantCapabilitiesComplete: (NSDictionary *)merchantCapDict

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the getMerchantCapEvent method is used to retrieve merchant capability information.


* Use this method to get the merchant capability from the gateway
     * Setting the value to false so we don't automatically updates the terminal
    [usaepayMiddlewareClass getMerchantCapabilities:false];


-(void)getMerchantCapabilitiesComplete: (NSDictionary *)merchantCapDict
    NSLog(@"get merchant capability dict completed: %@", merchantCapDict);

merchantCapDict Values

Values doesn't always get returned, make sure to check if value is nil or empty.

Key Type Description
contactless int If 1 is returned, merchant supports contactless, otherwise merchant doesn't support it
debit int If 1 is returned, merchant supports debit, otherwise merchant doesn't support it
quickchip int If 1 is returned, merchant supports quickchip, otherwise merchant doesn't support it
tip_adjust int If 1 is returned, merchant supports tip_adjust, otherwise merchant doesn't support it


-(void)getDeviceTimeoutCompleted :(int) seconds

This delegate method needs to be implemented when the getDeviceTimeout method is used to retrieve device timeout duration.


* Use this method to get the device timeout duration in seconds
    [usaepayMiddlewareClass getDeviceTimeout];

-(void)getDeviceTimeoutCompleted :(int) seconds
    NSLog(@"timeout in seconds: %i", seconds);


-(void)runQueuedTransCompleted :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse

This delegate method is optional when runQueuedTrans method is used to process an offline queued transaction. See PaymentEngineTransactionResponse for a complete list fields that get returned.


* Use this method process offline queued transaction

        If an identifier is passed in, it will run the queued transaction for that specific identifier
        else it will run all the queued transacitons
    [usaepayMiddlewareClass runQueuedTrans:@""];

-(void)runQueuedTransCompleted :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse
    NSLog(@"run queue trans completed: %@", transResponse.Status);
    NSLog(@"run queue trans completed message: %@", transResponse.Error);


-(void)removeQueuedTransCompleted :(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg

This delegate method is optional when removeQueuedTrans method is used to remove an offline queued transaction.


* Use this method process offline queued transaction

        If an identifier is passed in, it will remove the queued transaction for that specific identifier
        else it will remove all the queued transacitons
    [usaepayMiddlewareClass removeQueuedTrans:@""];

-(void)removeQueuedTransCompleted :(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg
    NSLog(@"remove queue trans completed: %@", status);
    NSLog(@"remove queue trans completed message: %@", msg);


-(void)updateQueuedTransCompleted:(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg

This delegate method is optional when updateQueuedTrans method is used to update an existing queued transaction.



    NSMutableDictionary *updateQueuedDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
    [updateQueuedDict setObject:@"8" forKey:@"tip"];
    [updateQueuedDict setObject:@"first name" forKey:@"billfname"];
    [updateQueuedDict setObject:@"last name" forKey:@"billlname"];
    [updateQueuedDict setObject:@"2136528232" forKey:@"billphone"];
    [updateQueuedDict setObject:@"" forKey:@"email"];

    if([usaepayMiddlewareClass retrieveQueuedTrans].count > 0)
        PaymentEngineResultQueue *resultQueue = (PaymentEngineResultQueue *)[[usaepayMiddlewareClass retrieveQueuedTrans] objectAtIndex:0];

        NSLog(@"identifier: %@", resultQueue.identifier);
        NSLog(@"request total amount: %f", resultQueue.totalAmount);
        NSLog(@"card num: %@", resultQueue.cardNum);

        [usaepayMiddlewareClass updateQueuedTrans:updateQueuedDict :resultQueue.identifier];


-(void)updateQueuedTransCompleted:(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg
    NSLog(@"update queue trans completed: %@", status);
    NSLog(@"update queue trans completed message: %@", msg);

    If an identifier is passed in, it will run the queued transaction for that specific identifier
    else it will run all the queued transacitons
[usaepayMiddlewareClass runQueuedTrans:@""];


-(void)runQueuedTransCompleted :(PaymentEngineTransactionResponse *)transResponse { NSLog(@"run queue trans completed: %@", transResponse.Status); NSLog(@"run queue trans completed message: %@", transResponse.Error); }

## removeQueuedTransCompleted

-(void)removeQueuedTransCompleted :(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg

This delegate method is optional when the removeQueuedTrans method is used to remove an offline queued transaction.


* Use this method process offline queued transaction

        If an identifier is passed in, it will remove the queued transaction for that specific identifier
        else it will remove all the queued transacitons
    [usaepayMiddlewareClass removeQueuedTrans:@""];

-(void)removeQueuedTransCompleted :(NSString *)status message:(NSString *)msg
    NSLog(@"remove queue trans completed: %@", status);
    NSLog(@"remove queue trans completed message: %@", msg);