GET devices/:devicekey:

GET /api/v2/paymentengine/devices/:devicekey:

Retrieve information about a device by its device key.

Response Variables

Variable Description
type "device"
key Device key
apikeyid The id of API key (source key) associated with the device.
terminal_type Terminal type: "standalone" for payment engine cloud based terminal.
status Current device status
name Developer assigned device name. Device name can contain letters, numbers, spaces, and dashes. All other characters will be filtered out.
settings Device settings
terminal_info Details of terminal
terminal_config Terminal configuration
pairing_code If terminal type is 'standalone', this is the pairing code required to pair the payment device with the payment engine.
expiration If terminal type is 'standalone', the expiration is the date/time that the pairing code is no longer valid.

Device Settings

Variable Description
timeout Transaction timeout, how long to wait for transaction authorization to complete.
enable_standalone Allows transactions to be initiated from terminal (if supported).
share_device If true, this allows the payment device to be used by other merchants. If false, only the merchant associated with the apikeyid may send transactions to device.
notify_update If true, device will be notified on all future updates
notify_update_next If true, device will be notified only on the next update. After notification, this is automatically set back to false.
sleep_battery_device This is the amount of inactive time (in minutes) before the device enters full sleep if it is running on battery. If in full sleep, you will need to turn the device on again before processing. Wifi and Bluetooth pairing should persist, even after full sleep. Set to '0' to never sleep.
sleep_battery_display This is the amount of inactive time (in minutes) before the device enters display sleep if it is running on battery. If in display sleep, just send a transaction to the device or tap any button to wake the device. Set to '0' to never sleep.
sleep_powered_device This is the amount of inactive time (in minutes) before the device enters full sleep if it is plugged into power. If in full sleep, you will need to turn the device on again before processing. Wifi and Bluetooth pairing should persist, even after full sleep. Set to '0' to never sleep.
sleep_powered_display This is the amount of inactive time (in minutes) before the device enters display sleep if it is plugged into power. If in display sleep, just send a transaction to the device or tap any button to wake the device. Set to '0' to never sleep.

Terminal Info

Variable Description
make Manufacturer
model Device model
revision Hardware version number
serial Device serial number
key_pin Device PIN encryption key. Only necessary if merchant will be processing transactions with a PIN.
key_pan Device PAN encryption key.

Terminal configuration

Variable Description
enable_emv Enables EMV processing.
enable_debit_msr Enables PIN debit for swiped transactions.
enable_tip_adjust Allows EMV transaction amounts to be adjusted after authorization (to add tip). Disables PIN authentication.
enable_contactless Enables NFC reader.

Example Request

curl --basic --user APIKEY:PINHASH \

Example Responses

Device Pending Registration

  "type": "device",
  "key": "sa_WKwzyQawBG0RMy0XpDGFXb6pXA23r",
  "apikeyid": "ntC8nP31Moh0wtvYT",
  "terminal_type": "standalone",
  "status": "waiting for device pairing",
  "name": "Register 1",
  "pairing_code": 690520,
  "expiration": "2019-10-29 11:59:28",
  "settings": {
    "timeout": 30,
    "share_device": false,
    "enable_standalone": false,
    "sleep_battery_device": 5,
    "sleep_battery_display": 1,
    "sleep_powered_device": 0,
    "sleep_powered_display": 0
  "terminal_info": {
    "make": "Castles",
    "model": "VEGA3000",
    "revision": "18043001-0055.00",
    "serial": "011118170300198",
    "key_pin": "FFFF5B04",
    "key_pan": "FF908A"
  "terminal_config": {
    "enable_emv": true,
    "enable_debit_msr": true,
    "enable_tip_adjust": true,
    "enable_contactless": true

Registered Device

  "type": "device",
  "key": "sa_WKwzyQawBG0RMy0XpDGFXb6pXA23r",
  "apikeyid": "ntC8nP31Moh0wtvYT",
  "terminal_type": "standalone",
  "status": "connected",
  "name": "Register 1",
  "settings": {
    "timeout": 30,
    "share_device": false,
    "enable_standalone": false,
    "sleep_battery_device": 5,
    "sleep_battery_display": 1,
    "sleep_powered_device": 0,
    "sleep_powered_display": 0
  "terminal_info": {
    "make": "Castles",
    "model": "VEGA3000",
    "revision": "18043001-0055.00",
    "serial": "011118170300198",
    "key_pin": "FFFF5B04",
    "key_pan": "FF908A"
  "terminal_config": {
    "enable_emv": true,
    "enable_debit_msr": true,
    "enable_tip_adjust": true,
    "enable_contactless": true


Errorcode Message Troubleshooting
21121 Unknown devicekey xxxxxxx Double check that the device key is valid. If the device status was still "waiting for device pairing," the request may have expired.

GET /devices

GET /v2/paymentengine/devices

Retrieves a list of devices registered to merchant.

Request Parameters

Variable Description Default
limit Max number of results to return 20
offset Number offset to start response 0


The response is in the standard list format.

Variable Description
type "list"
limit The max number of items returned in each result set (see limit request param).
offset The starting point for result set (see offset request param).
total Total number of records found (useful for calculating how many result sets are available).
data Array of matched devices, see above for format of each device.

Example Request

curl --basic --user APIKEY:PINHASH \

Example Responses

No Devices Found

    "type": "list",
    "limit": 20,
    "offset": 0,
    "data": [],
    "total": 0

Single Device

    "type": "list",
    "limit": 20,
    "offset": 0,
    "data": [
            "type": "device",
            "key": "sa_WKwzyQawBG0RMy0XpDGFXb6pXA23r",
            "apikeyid": "ntC8nP31Moh0wtvYT",
            "terminal_type": "standalone",
            "status": "connected",
            "name": "Example",
            "settings": {
                "timeout": 30,
                "enable_standalone": false,
                "share_device": false
            "terminal_info": {
                "make": "Castles",
                "model": "MP200",
                "revision": null,
                "serial": "000313162200473"
            "terminal_config": {
                "enable_emv": false,
                "enable_debit_msr": false,
                "enable_tip_adjust": false,
                "enable_contactless": true
    "total": 1